Hi, I'm Fadhil

Machine Learning & Data Science Enthusiast

A Little Bit About Me

Hey! My name is Fadhil and I'm a Machine Learning Engineer with a passion for Math and Computers. I'm currently a 4th year student at SRM University pursuing a degree in Computer science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.

When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy petting cats, watching movies and doing math

What I Do


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Whenever I find time I like to blog out all the stuff interesting that I found and things that I felt like it should be shared with others so that it can help them out too


With a strong foundation in computer science and math,I love the world of machine learning and Neural Networks. Someday I wish to create something that will bring about a meaningful change in other lives .


Id love to collaborate on projects and discuss about your ideas. Feel free to send an email and I'll reach out to you as soon as possible. Coffee is on me!


I've been studying ML,DL and Ai for a while now, and I'm always eager to learn more in this fast paced industry.

Some technologies I've worked with:

Check out my résumé!

What I've Done

(more coming soon)

Random Forest Application

This is a website I made which uses a Random Forest model to predict whether a person survived the titanic disaster. It is based on the dataset available on kaggle about the passengers who were aboard it.

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RFID Billing system

This is a website that I made for SRM Project expo '23 that helps to replace paper receipts with online tokens that are tied to the unique id that is collected via rfid from the customer ID-card '

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jekyll blog

I add in content from time to time. This was made using jekyll and github pages

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Style Transfer using vgg18

I try to implement the style transfer model from the paper written by L.Gatys with the help of vgg18

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Tensorflow decision trees

Testing out prediction of tabular data using the tensorflow library on a kaggle competition. Contrary to the belief that DL is better for unstructured data, here it performs well on structured data

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Get In Touch!

Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!

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